Grevillea Robyn Gordon

Grevillea Robyn Gordon

Sunshine Coast Plant Varieties
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Grevillea Robyn Gordon Description

Grevillea Robyn Gordon is a small-growing, popular evergreen native shrub, which produces a profusion of red flowers that are very popular with native birds.

Grevillea have exotic flowers in many colours, and Robyn Gordon is no exception.

They are deep red, not unlike a tooth-brush in shape.

Grevillea Robyn Gordon Maintenance

Water during the first 8-12 weeks until the plant is established.

Light pruning after flowering will promote flowering and dense growth.

Feed with a slow release native fertiliser when buds form – grevilleas can be phosphorus-sensitive so the P ratio of the fertiliser needs to be under 3%.

Grevillea Robyn Gordon Alternative Names

Grevillea, spider flowers.