Fraser Is. Apple

Acronychia Imperforata

Sunshine Coast Plant Varieties
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Acronychia Imperforata - Fraser Is. Apple - Noosa Landscaping Services

Fraser Is. Apple Description

Acronychia imperforata, commonly known as Logan apple, Fraser Island apple, or green tree, is a species of rainforest shrub or small tree that is endemic to north-eastern Australia.

It has simple, elliptical to egg-shaped leaves, small groups of yellowish or creamy white flowers and fleshy spherical to oval fruit.

Fraser Is. Apple Maintenance

Fraser Island apples are suitable to plant in full sun or part shade.

Once established they will tolerate drought.

During the spring/summer months keep well- mulched and moist.

Fertilise once a year using a slow-release native fertiliser.

Fraser Is. Apple Alternative Names

Fraser Island apple.