Bamboo Palm

Chamaedorea Seifrizii

Sunshine Coast Plant Varieties
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Chamaedorea Seifrizii - Bamboo Palm - Noosa Landscaping Services

Bamboo Palm Description

Delicate lacy fronds adorn this subtropical palm commonly grown as a houseplant in temperate climates. It grows up to 6.5′ tall and is upright and spreading.

This plant makes an excellent houseplant for low-light areas. This plant is also used in interior landscapes and as a specimen or accent plant.

Bamboo Palm Maintenance

As a houseplant, keep your bamboo palm evenly moist while it’s growing in Spring and Summer, while reducing watering in the cooler months of Autumn and Winter.

Although the plant doesn’t need high humidity to thrive, avoid conditions that dry it out.

Bamboo Palm Alternative Names

Chamaedorea seifrizii is a species of palm referred to as bamboo palm, parlor palm, or reed palm.